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Patents are legal protections granted by a government to inventors for a set period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of their invention. This protection prevents others from making, using, selling, or importing the invention without permission.


Patents typically cover inventions or discoveries that are novel, useful, and non-obvious. They can be granted for a wide range of innovations including processes, machines, manufactured items, compositions of matter, and improvements thereof.


There are different types of patents, including utility patents, which cover new and useful processes, machines, manufactured items, or compositions of matter; design patents, which protect the ornamental design of a functional item; and plant patents.


To obtain a patent, an inventor must file a patent application with the relevant patent office, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in the United States or the European Patent Office (EPO) in Europe. The application typically includes a detailed description of the invention, along with any necessary drawings or diagrams.


Once granted, a patent gives the holder the exclusive right to use the invention for a limited time, typically 20 years from the filing date of the application. During this time, the inventor can license the patent to others or take legal action against anyone who infringes on the patent rights.


In Chandmal Tarachand Bora College Research, Innovation and Incubation center is established and working for the inculcation of research in students and teachers. Three different patents were published by our Teachers and students as


· The IPR department, India has granted a patent to principal Dr. K. C. Mohite, Bhakare M. P and Thokale J. I.entitled ‘Internet Based Water Pump Controller’ in March 2023 which was an ‘Avishkar’ project guided through ‘Innovation and incubation center’.

· A patent is granted by Australian Government to Dr. S. P. Kamble for his innovation entitled, “Dielectric Acoustic Model for Analyzing Properties of Cyclohexane with N-Butanol” in November 2021.


· Dr. Yogesh Sethi has granted an Indian patent entitled, “A Process for Photocatalytic Production of H2 From H2s Using a glass Composite with Embedded Nano-Cds Q-Dot” in Dec. 2020


Patent Information -New FIle